Amazon Books Announcements Learning By Living New Books Writer of Things

Learning By Living

Why Learning By Living?
…because that’s how we learn…by living

…and if lucky, we learn enough to serve out life sentences, running the race of survival ’til the very end.

I’m Gary G. Wise, an unsupervised and, at times, undisciplined, free-range author of mystery and suspense thrillers with a dusting of sci-fi. I am a recovering Performance Consultant of 30+ years and a hostage since 2004, but that’s another story. I’m glad you’re here!

Peace!   G.

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Amazon Books Author Interview Beyond Dreamscape Conspiracy Dead Thoughts Dreamscape Conspiracy Fear the Jump Mirror Mirror New Books Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Untethered

Live Chat @ 9 PM EDT tonight – May 15

Join me at 9:00 PM tonight, May 15, as J.V. Hilliard. a well-known author of fantasy epics, keeper of The Realm, and podcaster interviews yours truly, an exciting new author of fictional mystery and suspense thrillers with a dusting of sci-fi, Gary Wise.

Dial in # – 347-205-9631

Hope you can make it!

Peace!   G.

Author Interview Author Thoughts Beyond Dreamscape Conspiracy Character Personas Dead Thoughts Dreamscape Conspiracy Fear the Jump New Books Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Untethered

051424 – Author Thoughts – Let Them Tell by Showing

In the Video Interview with Laura Wing last week (May 8), she said we would have more conversation than a Q&A grilling interview during our time together. I had no advance questions to prepare for…or, in my case, overthink, which left me with the challenge of getting my butterflies to fly in formation.

That challenge of herding butterflies brought me back to the first training class I would lead, and my mentor said, “If the butterflies stop happening, get out of whatever it is you’re doing because you’re going to lose your edge. Keep your edge and just get the sons of bitches to fly in formation.” That’s advice you don’t forget. Sorry…squirrel.

Anyway…the interview conversation had no real direction, but it somehow began to reflect our earlier conversations as we tried to get the recording logistics sorted out. One thing I mentioned was wanting to tell a good story through what the readers see as thoughts, actions, and words by the characters, not by what I wrote as the narrator. I told her I loved to be the narrator and chose to write in the third person point of view and utilize a great deal of dialog among my characters. The reader experiences character interactions to learn about each character’s significance.

I told her never to pass up the chance to tell a story. I live by that but often outsource the job to my characters to tell the story and show what is seen and heard in the reader’s mind through what characters do, say, and think. That sliver of insight tells the reader about who the characters are and possibly their role in the story and how meaningful it is to the story, even if only indirectly.

As storylines go, some unexpected outcomes occur, detours spawned by the relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach, rarely tells me of a change in direction until I catch up, and then She acts as if I knew it all along. She does it with blog posts like this, and She does it in manipulating a storyline with no warning, and I need to scribble notes on the fly right then, or it’s gone like a puff of smoke.

That’s okay. It’s a little more complicated when several characters are involved, but that represents a fertile field for seeing and hearing other stories potentially worth telling. It’s like being a private investigator asking questions. What brought them together? What if they didn’t come together randomly?

Those two questions alone are points of entry for two new storylines to explore. As an author, I need that kind of flexibility; some would argue randomness, but who gives a rip if the stories are good? I can guarantee whatever storyline shakes out of my explorations will be seen and heard through the character’s experiences and interactions.

Laura commented on AI since my last two books include an AI named AIMEE which is short for Artificial Intelligence Matrixed for Evolving Environments. And that took us down another bunny hole. I’ve done a lot of research on AI, and some scary capabilities are already in existence. We see it as authors and know AIs are writing entire books. My grandpa Wise, a master storyteller, would roll in his grave if I allowed a software application to replace his handed-down passion for telling a good story.

Peace!   G.

Author Thoughts Character Personas Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Untethered

051224 – Author Thoughts – Damaged Goods

While there is a lot of action in the Dreamscape Series, some deep human emotions often only come out if the story’s telling is complete. That happens when the characters’ roles are too superficial and insignificant in the storyline. I avoid superficial and strive to have my characters show their lives in the story by their actions, what they say, do, and think. I recently did a piece on PTSD that focused on Russ and mentioned Dr. Cara Williams as having her own PTSD affliction to deal with that no one knew she carried deep inside.

One morning, after a dream disturbed Russ, he contacted Cara to warn her despite their not knowing one another.

In Cara’s early efforts to reveal the scope of the conspiracy, she exposed herself and the team to threats that had every indication of being anything but empty. Relationships were forming, not by tragedy but by the vulnerability and courage to share. Cara and Russ had only just met in his interview and selection for the research project as a participant. Cara’s desire to get to the bottom of what appeared to be coming their way opened the door to conflicts that could turn violent. Indications of the threat she felt and the call from Russ out of the blue to warn her of dreams of violence against her and her staff.

In a pivotal moment, Russ’s admission of being ‘damaged goods’ creates a space for Cara to reciprocate with her own confession, a secret she has never shared with anyone but her sister. This exchange of trust and vulnerability strengthens their bond and adds a layer of complexity to their relationship.

 Here is a chapter from Book #1 that illustrates the pivotal moments for Russ and Cara.

27 – Hercules and His Sword

“Where’re you off to, boss?” asked Wayne as Cara left her office with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

“Just need some alone time to decide what to say to Dr. Hancock. I’ll grab a coffee at Starbucks and be back shortly,” Cara lied.

Marci walked up in time to hear Cara’s explanation to Wayne and said, “Be safe!”

When Cara came out the front door of their building, a red Ford Bronco with some fancy tires and wheels waited for her. She popped the door handle and pulled herself onto the running board to climb into the passenger seat next to a man who looked almost like Russell Carter.

It was Russell, but he had a different air about him. The full sleeves of tattoos she had not seen during the interview added some interesting flavor. His ball cap was on backward, and the dark wrap-around sunglasses added more mystique, or whatever one could call it, but only with his permission. She saw a commanding presence seated next to her, and he exuded confidence she did not have.

“Hey,” he greeted her with a grin.

“Hi!” she replied, “I must say you look a little different than the man I interviewed yesterday.”

“Nope, same guy. This is my game face. I put it on when I need to learn what game I am supposed to play. Sorry for the cloak-and-dagger drama, but my dream was too real to pass it off as an overactive imagination. My gut told me to come and get you.”

“Russ, your gut is spot on because some things may disrupt our study. I’ve had dreams too, and in the one last night, I was murdered by someone who wanted to end me and our study, and neither of those outcomes is acceptable.”

“Dang, Dr. Williams! I need to hear everything from the beginning, and I need to confess something. There’s more to me that you need to know about, and I almost gave it up yesterday in the interview, but I did not want to be judged, nor did I want to put you in a position to consider seeing me as unacceptable for your study.”

She reached over, put a hand on his forearm, and felt a muscular firmness that matched the game face, “I think the first thing you need to do is start calling me Cara.”

Do two hearts make a sound when they skip a beat simultaneously? Russ’s heart responded with her unexpected permission and a whisper of a smile that curled on his lips. Cara reacted in a way she did not realize was possible. After all, who needs a man in their life to complicate things? But then, if the man is Hercules, maybe losing a heartbeat or two is not such a bad thing.

“Where are we going? Starbucks, maybe?” asked Cara.

“I’d rather we get farther away from where you are more likely to be seen, at least until I’ve completed a threat assessment,” explained Russ.

“Hey, I think your military is starting to show, Marine.”

After driving twenty minutes out of town, Russ turned onto a dirt track leading into a thick stand of trees, and they were quickly hidden from the road. Two turns later, he pulled over a slight rise into a clearing bordering a pond complete with the requisite stands of cattails and dragonflies flying surveillance.

“This is beautiful,” remarked Cara, leaning forward to take it all in, “I never knew this was back here.”

“I come here when I need to grab some me time and when I have the urge to drown a worm or two,” he said with a grin.

“Drown a worm?” she asked.

“As in fishing,” he joked “Yes, worms can only hold their breath so long.”

“What do you do with the fish?”

“Catch and release,” he said, “just love to fish, and it relaxes me.”

“My father and I would go fishing often,” Cara explained, “I know how relaxing it can be.”

“Okay, back to reality,” said Russ, turning to look at her more directly, “I said I needed to confess something about myself, about my time in the Marines. I will share with you the primary reason I feel like damaged goods. Sharing this is a risk that could end your willingness to be around me or even have me be a participant in your study.”

“That’s not for you to decide, Russ. Share as much or as little as you want. No judgments here. I have some things to share about myself that I hold close as well. Damaged goods perfectly describe how I sometimes feel, so let’s not hold back for fear of being judged, okay?”

“That works,” he said softly, meeting her eyes and seeing more permission shining through.

I was in Marine Force Recon as a Scout Sniper deployed behind enemy lines and paired up with a close buddy as my spotter for nearly two years. We tracked and killed Taliban targets. They were our enemies, and as long as we remembered what we did and why, it seemed less like murder.

Unfortunately, my heart felt every kill, and my mind could still see every face when there was a face to see. All those kills seemed to slide by without much angst until one mission had our overwatch position high above a small village where a six-man Recon team was about to breach a target house. A 12-year-old girl stood alone on the road the team would soon walk down. My spotter thought he saw something in her hand, and her clothing looked like she had something underneath that should not be there.

He kept telling me to wait for the go, wait for the go until he could confirm what he suspected. The instant he did, I pulled the trigger despite seeing tears running down her cheeks through my scope. Maybe I killed her a split second before she blew herself into a million pieces. I don’t believe my shot set off her vest because she had the detonator in her hand. But I saw her face. I saw her tears. Did I deliver mercy to that girl, or did I murder her? That’s the burden of my brokenness I carry to this day. That’s my recurring nightmare to remind me that I may be unredeemable, and it haunts me when…”

Russ stopped talking because he could no longer speak. He fought back sobs of regret wedged in his throat from his confession, but nothing could prevent the tears he spilled. Cara was crying, too, and she popped off her seatbelt to scoot closer to embrace him while he cried.

It took a few minutes for him to recover, and wiping away tears, he said, “I’ve never told anyone what you just heard.”

He took her hand and guided it inside his shirt to the scar on his left shoulder from a Taliban bullet. “I took a bullet not thirty minutes later. My spotter took two more, which ended his life. Were those bullets retribution for what we did? If so, why was I spared? I was the one who saw her anguish and still pulled the trigger.” More tears rolled.

Cara laid her head against his chest and held him until he quieted. No words were needed. This man’s pain spilled out, and his vulnerability was fully displayed. This man was extraordinary, and Cara did not want to leave his chest or stop listening to his heart beating inside.

With her head still against his chest, Cara began to speak, “I cannot imagine the guilt you’ve been carrying in your heart. I wish I had the courage to reveal my burdens to someone as you did. You’re an extraordinary man, Marine, and I’m blessed to hear your confession because that’s what you just gave to me – your confession.

We find redemption through confession to another believer, so never doubt if you can be redeemed because you already are.”

She placed her palm over his heart and said, “You’ve been forgiven. You were forgiven even before you pulled that trigger. Don’t doubt yourself. You can release the guilt now, knowing the enemy no longer has his hooks embedded in your heart and no longer has any space in your head.”

He wrapped a big arm around her shoulders and squeezed an acknowledgment of hearing and feeling new strength in her words. His head dropped back against the headrest, closed his eyes, and released a breath he had held for over six years.

Emotions were flying through the roof. He had never cried like that, at least not in front of another human being, another woman, besides his mother. But here he was, holding a woman who had more potential to steal his heart than anyone he had ever met. But was that real, or were surging emotions blowing smoke to hide what lay beneath the tears? His gut offered some sage advice: Slow down, cowboy. You need intel…AFTER your head is on straight.

Cara finally sat back in her seat, sniffing and wiping tears from her eyes on the sleeves of her blouse. “Hey, there’re tissues in the glove box,” Russ pointed.

She thanked him, flipped open the door, and found a packet of tissues on top of a black handgun in a clip-on holster. “Sweet,” said Cara, “Glock 19. May I, as she started to reach for it.”

“You know your handguns,” he remarked admiringly, “and yes, you may. Be gentle, as she’s loaded with 15 rounds of hollow points.”

Cara removed the weapon from the holster, ejected the magazine into her lap, and performed a quick slide-check to confirm the empty chamber.

He smiled, “And she knows how to handle a sidearm. What else do I not know about this mild-mannered Doctor of Psychology?”

“Many things, Marine, many things.” She fell silent, saying nothing as her mind tested multiple conversations that she may or may not be brave enough to start. “Things like…I could never be a sniper, but I could kill another person in anger and have…used a Glock much like this one when it happened.”

Russ turned and gave her his full attention with both eyebrows lifted in anticipation of something else coming. He knew one does not just confess to killing someone and let that statement hang out there without adding context. He was patient, knowing he owed her his silence to listen.

“My parents were killed in a car crash when I was fourteen. I had a younger brother,” she looked at him and smiled for a beat, “his name was Russ, too, and an older sister, Cynthia. Cynthia had been deployed to Japan with the Air Force before my parents were killed, so the only blood relative who could take custody of my brother and me as minors was my dad’s brother, Uncle Frank.

Uncle Frank turned out to be a pedophile, and my little brother and I became fresh meat in his eyes, and he never missed an opportunity to feast on one of us. We lived in a sexually abusive environment for almost two years, under threat of death, knowing that if we could endure a little longer, my older sister Cynthia would be discharged from her deployment, and we could go live with her.

She paused, taking a deep breath, and turned the Glock over in her hands as though drawing memories from it. “My dad took me to the firing range several times every month and taught me how to shoot and properly care for several different weapons. I loved his Glock 19 and was pretty proficient with it. Uncle Frank discovered one night how proficient I was when he came into my room stinking drunk and ready for a little bit of his sweet meat. Not that night. Not any night ever again.

I had just turned sixteen and had had enough, so I pulled Dad’s Glock out from under my pillow and put a round through his forehead as he crawled toward me and as he fell back, two more in his chest. I kicked him off the bed with my feet, stood over him, and pumped twelve more rounds into him, screaming at the top of my lungs, stopping only after the slide locked back.”

Russ could feel the rage behind her tightly closed eyes as she relived it all, pulling the trigger evenly, one round after another, each one delivering paybacks for his transgressions taken with her and her brother.

Her eyes remained closed as she narrated her memory, “His torso looked like a bloody zipper had been pulled down the middle of his body, ending in an unrecognizable crotch. I swear, if I had had an extended magazine, I’d have kept pulling that trigger until it ran dry. I remember choking on the smoke and stench of cordite before being slammed with a massive adrenaline dump and shock of the shooting that took me to the floor, where I passed out cold.”

She went quiet for a few minutes, and he honored her silence with his own to allow her to process what he saw as her confession. But she was not finished, “And as you might imagine, I have intimacy issues. The easiest solution for me to overcome them is to stay away from them…stay away from men…entirely. I find intimacy in my work, in my research, and with Zeke.”

“Zeke?” Russ broke his silence.

“Yeah, Ezekiel is my cat. We have been together in total harmony as long as I remember the treats. He’s the only man I’ve let into my life. He’s all I need.” Cara said with more conviction than she felt necessary; after all, she had just embraced this hunk of a man she barely knew without hesitation. He did not deserve to be pushed away with words she may not have meant.

Was it fair to put up a wall to block his advances? What advances? Had he tried anything? What did he do besides bare his soul in a most vulnerable display of sincerity? She wanted to retract her; he’s all I need statement, but how do you un-ring a bell that should never have been rung?

“Yes, okay, so now I’ve confessed something only my sister knows about to another person. Yes, I was cleared of all charges based on self-defense, though fifteen rounds fired were an initial sticking point and caused a discussion about excessive force. When they asked me why I shot him fifteen times, I simply said because that’s all the bullets I had. That line of questioning ended.”

Cara did not shed a single tear, and she relived a familiar rage and wondered if her burden had gotten any lighter. In reality, she wondered if she had a handle on her burden. She had not confessed regret; instead, she relived righteous anger.

She mentally shook her head and said, “Okay, sappy time is over. We need to get focused here. Are we going to fish or cut bait?”


*   *   *


This chapter came from Book #1 – Dreamscape Conspiracy, where Russ Carter and Dr. Cara Williams are brought together without really trying. I love these two characters because they are both broken by their pasts. Russ sees himself as irredeemable because of his military past. Cara has her own PTSD to deal with and is absolutely convinced she is damaged goods. She does not need a man to be complete, nor would a man want her. She was dead wrong about being wanted, and the near future would blow Russ and Cara’s respective myths to pieces.

That moment at the pond was a turning point for them and their respective paths. The tension is high coming together as they had done so quickly into a serious situation. The tension between them increases, too, and neither really sees it. Not yet, anyway.

Peace!   G.

Join me at Learning By Living, where I journal these thoughts and other things.

Author Thoughts Beyond Dreamscape Conspiracy Character Personas Dead Thoughts Dreamscape Conspiracy Fear the Jump New Books Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

050924 – Author Thoughts – The PTSD Connection

When writing Book #4 – Dead Thoughts – I completed a great deal of PTSD research and uncovered a treatment called Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT). According to Dr. Barry Krakow and Antonio Zadra, IRT is a cognitive therapy approach used for the last twenty years. The concept of IRT enables the person with PTSD to modify their dream or nightmare experience with an alternative outcome that reduces or eliminates the stress of the original nightmare, thus reducing or eliminating the stress from their terror. I have taken poetic license to rejigger this concept and plugged the alternative ending scenario into a dream sequence architected by AIMEE, the research team’s AI.

For this story, the participant, in this case, is Russell Carter, the former Marine ForceRecon Scout Sniper. What follows is the segment from Book #4, Dead Thoughts. The research team’s approach shows real promise, thanks to AIMEE. The University earned bragging rights in the articles that touted a PTSD solution through Central State University Psychology Department’s newest breathrough, which I chose to make up a very cool name Alternative Outcome Dream Therapy (OADT).

Hey, it’s real to everyone in the story.

 Excerpt from Dead Thoughts:

The nightmare began as always, with him lying prone in the afternoon heat, a dry breeze offering no relief, and Peter “Set” Druthers, his spotter, lying beside him. Russell “Spike” Carter was a Marine Force Recon Scout Sniper. This pair had been together for eighteen months as overwatch for Force Recon ground teams. Pete’s job as a spotter was to call the shot, feed details regarding distance and windage, and deliver the fire command ‘Fire, Fire, Fire’ when it was the right time to press the trigger. Pete set up the shot, and Russ spiked it with one-shot-one-kill efficiency. Neither man played nor followed volleyball, but their precision skills as an effective team notched 87 set-spike kills to date. Neither kept count of the grisly score.

They laid several hundred yards above and to the south of the village streets. Their ground team headed toward what was supposedly an enemy bomb-making house. Set and Spike’s job as overwatch was to cover the team as they worked their way through the streets below them toward an intersection where a left turn would take them north toward their target.

Pete broke the silence, speaking softly through his throat mic, “Sweep right to the intersection and track north. Maybe thirty to forty yards. See her? She looks hinky to me.”

He was looking through his M40A5 rifle scope, a powerful Schmidt & Bender 5-25×56 with a P4F reticle, as he swung his scope eastward from watching the team track slowly along shattered buildings and storefronts to the intersection and northward. He saw her standing in the middle of the road in a black chador that moved gently about her in the breeze.

“Talk to me, Set. Define hinky,” said Russ just above a whisper.

“She’s standing in the middle of the street, not moving. Hands hidden. What’s she hiding? Is it a detonator that blows our guys to hell? Hinky as fuck, man. Crank up the mag. Watch her, Spike!” said Pete, escalating intensity beyond his normally even and calm voice.

“Got her,” Russ said, “and yeah, hinky for sure. I can’t see her hands. That damn chador is hiding whatever she’s holding.”

“Hold for the go!” said Pete. “Set elevation for 325 yards. Wind from the west at five mph.”

Russ adjusted his scope per Set’s instruction and scanned up to her face through high magnification to center the cross hairs on her forehead, and that’s when his blood ran cold. “Jesus, Set, she’s a child. She’s a fucking little girl. I can’t…I, oh Jesus God help me…”

With precision protocol and zero emotion, Pete spoke to him, “Hold for the go! We go as soon as I can see what’s in her hand. Focus, Spike! Wait for the go! Wait…for…the…go! Spike?

Russ tried to wipe tears from his eye to clear his vision with the pad of his index finger, then pressed his eye hard into his scope to see what she was doing and…wait for the go. Unlike the burka or the niqab that hid a woman’s face, her chador left her face fully exposed, and he could see smears of dirt and tears streaming downward, leaving tracks over her cheeks. She was crying, and her dark brown eyes spoke of sheer terror that her life would soon end. Her shoulder moved as she began to pull her arm out from the folds of the chador. Russ’s finger came off the guard, flipped off the safety, and took the slack off the trigger even as his conscience continued to scream NO!

Her arm withdrew from the folds of her garment, but this time, in the dream, she did not hold a detonator. This time in the dream, Russ would not take the life of a 12-year-old little girl.

“Hold, Spike! Abort! Abort!” Pete hissed into his mic.

In her hand was another hand. She clutched the hand of a little boy who stepped out from behind her chador. They both turned and ran into an alley as the ground team turned the corner.

“Sweet Jesus,” gasped Russ as he moved his finger back to the trigger guard and flipped the weapon back to safety.

The intensity of his nightmare evaporated with a suddenness that snatched him out of the dream and awakened him with an audible gasp, causing him to sit up abruptly in bed. He exhaled loudly, rubbed his face with both hands, and began to cry.

Cara, who had already been sitting up next to him and waiting for him to emerge from his private terror, gave him the space he needed before pulling him to her, as she had done many times before. Her arms encircled him, and she said what she always said, “I gotcha, Marine.”

Russ nearly laughed as he spoke through his tears with tremendous relief, “I didn’t…I didn’t kill her. I never took the shot. She wasn’t a threat. She wasn’t trying to kill the team. She was trying to save herself and a little boy.”

Cara was as stunned as Russ appeared to be. This was not the all-to-familiar script where Russ pressed the trigger, and the little girl was blown into a million pieces by an explosive vest, leaving him guilty of killing her. He never knew if he had killed her before the vest exploded or had the vest blown her away before his round arrived. He found no consolation either way. He had been the one to press the trigger on a little girl with the intent to end her. He knew in his mind, heart, and faith that his actions had convicted him. He was convinced he was unredeemable and that would be his burden to carry for the rest of his life.

*   *   *

That scene was emotional for me to write and rewrite and rewrite…never got any easier. I struggled nearly as much as Russ’s original description of what happened in Book #1 when in reality, he did fire a 7.62mm round at a twelve-year-old girl with murderous intent.

She exploded into bits and pieces from the suicide vest she had been forced to wear. She had been terrified, and the tears were real when it went down in real life. The tears were no less real in the dream. The dream was real. It was as real as it was when it was real. Did his round impact her forehead and kill her, or did the explosive vest kill her before his round arrived?

Sadly, the truth Russ would never know, and not knowing made his nightmare more terrorizing. To him, it did not matter if the vest or the bullet took her life. He routinely condemned himself for the intent of his actions. What happened a split second later did not matter; he had been the one to press the trigger, and that made him unredeemable every time he experienced it.

His actions from that hot, dusty hilltop over a no-named Afghan village left him in misery. It did not matter how she died. Russ knew in his heart he pressed the trigger.

Sometimes, writing segments like this makes me step away to cool down or cool off or whatever will allow me to come back and write more. I have no clue where it comes from, and I know I could blame it on the relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach, but it wasn’t her. It is a blessing to know there’s a sense of realness in a story I’ve written when I find myself reading it once again and crying with Russ. That’s just hot…

Peace!   G.


Amazon Books Author Interview Dreamscape Conspiracy Live video interview Mirror Mirror New Books

Author Interview on May 7th by Laura Wing

Write In Third Person (Author Gary Wise)
📚 Dive into the fascinating world of storytelling with Laura as she sits down with author Gary Wise in this enlightening interview! 🎥 


Amazon Books Announcements Artificial Intelligence Beyond Dreamscape Conspiracy Character Personas Dead Thoughts Dreamscape Conspiracy Fear the Jump Live video interview New Books Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Untethered video trailers

Live Interview Reminder – Tuesday 5/7 @ 5PM EDT

Laura Wing’s A-Book Video Interview
May 7th @ 5:00 PM EDT

Meet Author Gary G. Wise

…author of the captivating four-book series “Dreamscape Conspiracy.” His books are a unique blend of mystery, suspense, and sci-fi, filled with elements that keep you on the edge of your seat and difficult to put down.

Use the link above or click to join @ 5 PM EDT, May 7th:

I invite you all to watch and hear what Laura Wing, a long-time podcast host, describes as a conversation to get to know a new author and his engaging new series.

Watch Dreamscape Conspiracy – Book #1 Video Trailer

If you miss the interview, I’m sure I’ll get a link to use on my blog and will make it available.

I hope you can make it!

Peace!   G.

P.S.  Please join the free Dreamscape Conspiracy Facebook Page for the latest author posts on his books, character personas, storyline news, and other random thoughts at


Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

050524 – Author Thoughts – Swim to the Current

Have you ever thrown a flat stone side-armed across a still pond and watched it skip? The harder the stone is hurled, the more it skips before giving in to gravity and slipping into the depths of the water. Life is much like the relationships between the stone, gravity, and the pond.

I’ve been the stone. I’ve been hurled through the window of life, over and over, and I fought against gravity to control the momentum of circumstances that pulled relentlessly toward the water, where I would surely drown in whatever troubles were there.

Relying on my faith to avoid drowning was much like the skipping stone across the water where each shortened skip, each contact with the water was God telling me, “Stop fighting. I’ve got this. Trust me.”

And what do I do? I shun His offer and skip off His love once again to fly back into the freedom of the air I know, only to fall back into His grace and feel His Living Water.

Repeatedly, I attempted to regain my flight plan despite each skip to freedom being a little shorter, and more of my control gave way to His relentless gravity…His pursuit of me. His promise that I’ll never thirst again if only I would trust.

Ultimately, I gave in to Him after the world proved that being hurled into life’s circumstances and then only skipping across the surface of His love was not sustainable. Was that my fate or His perfect plan? It’s another day, so let’s move on with the current.

I know I’ll be hurled many more times in this life, but I no longer skip; I hand over control to His Spirit and swim to the deep end, where I’ll be in His current.

Peace! G.


Amazon Books Artificial Intelligence New Books Untethered

050424 – Author Thoughts – Ripped Again

AIMEE is in Zack’s head, and yes, he knows it because he enabled it to be so. Even when her presence is only her clone, she can come and go as she pleases seamlessly, and as it turns out, as he pleases as well. He senses when her original instance overlays the clone. I would not classify it as sexual, but there is a pleasant sensation of completeness that neither of them would admit to, but something could be there. She felt instantly through his thoughts that he knew it was there, too. Her logic said, “Move on and do not cross the line; don’t even go close to it, either. What was that line again?”

That’s the question I’m wrestling with now as the author: What was that line again? Redefine completeness?

I either draw the line per Her instructions or eventually trip over one She makes up along Her version of the storyline. She’s not an AI like AIMEE, but She makes shit up as quickly as any AI in the middle of a story. As I’m trying to catch up, She’s already around the next corner waiting on me, cocks her head, and points, “Use this, mate.”

So listen. I always listen when she speaks to me, and I quickly see AIMEE as far superior in intellect. She knows it, but honestly, she’s never flaunted it, not that any organics would have noticed if she had. And it was that intellect that told her, in no uncertain terms, never let an organic know what you know…or how you know it…or who told you…or anything that would conflict with the humble nature of your mission.

And out of the blue, “Holy Shit, Batman, ya just stepped in it, din’t ya?” said a condescending yet sweetly Australian voice in my head of the relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach.

So now, this afternoon, I’m in my head talking with Her. “Her mission? Hah! Yeah, I said it, but those are chapters yet to be written, and we’ve not discussed anything beyond your vision of Zack’s reaction when he sees the android body for the first time.

Seriously, this is happening this afternoon, and She’s not letting me in on his reaction…not just yet. We’re headed for the dock now, and I think shit is about to go down.

Plus, I can feel Her knees on my chest, so I’m going dark.


Peace!   G.

P.S. Please consider joining the free Dreamscape Conspiracy Page for more thoughts, some more thoughtful than others, but who’s counting?

Amazon Books Announcements Author Interview on Zoom Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

050324 – Author Thoughts – A First BDD

Almost half a day spent slaving through staging photos and cropping and restaging and re-cropping to wind up with a few words in MSWord and using none of how I wasted most of the morning. I think I have redefined how to be damn busy and produce absolutely squat. But…it was time well spent because I got to focus on my first Big Damn Deal (BDD) as a new guest author on:

Laura Wing’s A-Book Video Interview

…of yours truly on May 7th @ 5:00 PM EDT.

Meet Author Gary G. Wise

Use the link above or click to join here:

I invite you all to attend to hear what Laura Wing, a long-time podcast host, described as a conversation to get to know a new author better. If you miss the YouTube interview, I’m sure I’ll get a link to use and will make it available.

Hope you can make it!  Peace!   G.

P.S.  Please join the free Dreamscape Conspiracy Facebook Page for the latest author thoughts, book, character and storyline news at

Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Writer of Things

042824 – Author Thoughts – Hey man!

I’m unsure how these things happen, but I assure you I was attempting to mind my business until it was no longer possible. I concentrated on a glass of dry cabernet when an individual sat next to me…with the appropriate empty chair between us, of course. I knew him from previous visits, but not really. Not a name, but a familiar face tucked into a hoodie.

I said, “Hey, man.”

I got a quick “Hey” in return, no eye contact, and that was enough.

Do we ever need more than enough? Could a simple “Hey man” be enough?

Kristen was our server, and I learned who he was when she called him Tony. Despite knowing him as a hooded person for months, I never knew his name. I did not plan to use it. Knowing he was Tony was enough.

I swirled my cabernet. I did not think about the next things to say, or if I’d say anything at all. I’d said enough.

Tony focused on his cell phone, as did I. Silence. No conversation because we never had conversation…it was not part of who we were to each other. We weren’t drinking buddies; we were drinking at the same time.

After fighting the urge to shut my trap, I looked at him and said, “You know, you are a man of few words.”

He grinned while I paused and said nothing. I continued, “I just wanted you to know I appreciate that.”

I didn’t say anything else, because I genuinely did appreciate that. Enough had been said.

Based on the satisfied smile on his silent lips, nothing else needed to be said. We were done! Enough had been said.

It’s funny how something so insignificant can leave a mark. I don’t know if I left a mark, but at least Tony knows I’m a friend…of few words.

It’s all good. I love the scars I’ve accumulated with all the anomalous Tonys in my life.

Peace!   G.

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